Privacy Policy

allMATS cares about how your information is handled, and we appreciate your trust in us. We will process your information carefully and sensibly in the strictest confidence. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting allMATS, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes no information regarding the domain or e-mail address. We collect the e-mail address of those who communicate with us via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, user specific information on what pages consumers access or visit and information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.

The information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded, used to improve the content of our Web page, used to customize the content and/or layout of our page for consumers and used by us to contact consumers for marketing purposes.

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending an e-mail, calling or writing, and telling us that you do not want to receive e-mail from our company.

Terms of Use Statement
You understand and agree that the owners of this site shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data or other intangible losses (even if the owners of this site have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the use or the inability to use the product(s) and or service(s) or any misuse of the product(s) and or service(s) in a manner not in accordance with their intended use.

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We will maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure that the security, integrity and privacy of your information is protected. These measures include the collection of personal information only on pages which are protected by a secure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate and by proper network security.
You can trust that our order form is protected when you see the SSL secure symbol, SSL secure symbol!, at the bottom of your web browser. Our security is provided by

Third Party Intermediaries
We use an outside shipping company to ship orders, and a credit card processing company to bill users for goods and services. These companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.

For any questions or comments regarding our privacy policy, please call us toll free at 1-866-411-MATS or contact us via e-mail at: